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I had the chance to work on a grassroots campaign for the Department of Communication at the University of Indianapolis. My responsibility was to promote awareness among students about the recent merger between the communication and theater departments.

Edits were made by my account executive Kaitlyn Stines, my firm director Marissa Maxey, and my Firm Advisor Rebecca Gilliland.

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One Pager

The purpose of this tactic is to create an easy-to-read and useful one-pager that highlights the COMM department's offerings, tracks, and experientials.

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Department Rundown

The purpose of this tactic is to create an organized and well-put-together rundown of all the various tracks and experiential UIndy COMM has to offer. Highlighting the various people in charge.

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Email Template

The purpose of this tactic is to provide students with an email that will thoroughly explain changes coming to the communication department. 

Marketing Photos

The purpose of this tactic is to take pictures for the department to use in future marketing materials, put on social media accounts, and use on the website.

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Website Organization Guide

The purpose of this tactic is to look over every aspect of the UIndy Communication Website in order to make a list of all current aspects. 

Tactic Sign Off

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